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About us - Ministry of Helps
The Ministry of Helps is an indispensable part of the proper functioning of the Body of Christ, just as the fivefold ministry. Faithfulness to assist and support ministers is crucial in bringing God's vision to fruition on Earth.
Our assignment is to dutifully serve and support other members, extending help to those in need of any kind of support in their homes, lives, prayers, encouragement, or companionship.
Throughout the Bible, the Holy Spirit graces us with spiritual gifts to help others as an extension of Himself (1 Cor. 12:7). As recipients of His gifts, we become His hands and feet, operating in love and mercy, thereby serving the entire body of believers to fulfill God's will.
Every spiritual gift is a gift of help, whether it be prophecy, shepherding, teaching, miracles, or healing, as they all contribute to supporting the body. Through our involvement, church transforms from merely a place of attendance to a family united in service.
If you have a desire to become a true servant of Adoni, we invite you to join our team. Together, with many hands, we make light work, and by staying engaged, we avoid falling into the devil's workshop of idle hands. Let us serve our Lord together and be a blessing to others.
Remember, no matter your calling within the Body of Christ, find your place and serve Yeshua with your whole heart. Serve Him with gladness, recognizing that your role in the Body is vital, and it is a charge given to us to fulfill.
Join us in this impactful journey of service, as we honor God by serving and supporting one another, and fulfilling His divine plan for the world.
Evangelist Williams